These are the Highest Quality Afrikaans Tutors in Gauteng. Get Afrikaans Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
Get an Afrikaans tutorTutor in Moreleta Park, Pretoria
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Being able to excel and express yourself in more than one language is truly a blessing. I would love to assist others to do this!
Tutor in Equestria, Pretoria
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I received a distinction in matric for Afrikaans Second Language. I enjoy languages and I know that many people struggle with Afrikaans, but I can really help you to master it.
Tutor in Winchester Hills, Johannesburg South
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I am a second language Afrikaans speaker but nonetheless, I matriculated with 89% for the subject. I have a good understanding of the core topics that learners need to understand.
Tutor in Magaliessig, Sandton
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40 Hours Tutored
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Afrikaans is a language that is rooted in South Africa. I see it as very beneficial for kids to excel in this subject.
Tutor in Brooklyn, Pretoria
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I am native Afrikaans speaker with native proficiency in Language and Grammar and passed Matric with an average of 84%. I also studied Afrikaans (literature and grammar) in my first year of University
Tutor in Discovery, Roodepoort
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I love to teach Afrikaans and help learners to become excited about a language. Afrikaans is my home language. In my studies thus far I've come to enjoy languages even more. I matriculated with 80% for Afrikaans, and achieved 91% in University.
Tutor in Waterkloof, Pretoria
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37 Hours Tutored
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I have a passion for Afrikaans. I have experience on a tertiary level, having passed Afrikaans Literature (1st year level) at the University of Pretoria. I enjoy reading as part of my leisure activities.
Tutor in Sunninghill, Sandton
Tutor in Sunninghill, Sandton
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59 Hours Tutored
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Afrikaans is my home language therefore I can offer a very insightful background. I have an excellent comprehension of the language and I truly believe I will be an asset in helping people understand the language.
Tutor in Barbeque Downs, Midrand
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50 Hours Tutored
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Afrikaans requires practice and hard work. I would love to facilitate that process by helping my students take a creative and fun approach to learning it. Languages often require a different type of learning, but it can be very rewarding to learn how to speak a second language.
Tutor in Hatfield, Pretoria
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38 Hours Tutored
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I have a good understanding of the language and believe I can most definitely help those struggling with basics and mental blocks with this subject. To do so, students will need to see it from a positive perspective.
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