These are the Highest Quality Afrikaans Tutors in Gauteng. Get Afrikaans Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
Get an Afrikaans tutorTutor in Johannesburg, Johannesburg
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42 Hours Tutored
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Succeeded in helping one of my students improve his grade by 30%. Adept at creating simple but effective study materials to help the student improve his/her language skills. Strong interpersonal skills in working with students.
Tutor in Hatfield, Pretoria
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30 Hours Tutored
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Many students have a mental-block towards Afrikaans. I’d love to assist fellow students in overcoming said block, that I too once had.
Tutor in Boardwalk Meander, Pretoria
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24 Hours Tutored
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I am a fluent Afrikaans speaker and I can tutor Afrikaans First Additional Language. I also received a distinction in matric.
Tutor in Olympus AH, Pretoria
Tutor in Olympus AH, Pretoria
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34 Hours Tutored
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I did Afrikaans as a home language. It was one of my favourite subjects. I will be able to help students develop an understanding and love for the subject.
Tutor in Sunnyside, Pretoria
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25 Hours Tutored
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I achieved a distinction for this subject in Matric and would love to help others do the same.
Tutor in Riviera, Pretoria
Tutor in Riviera, Pretoria
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36 Hours Tutored
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I grew up in an Afrikaans speaking household. I understand the struggles with this complicated language and have faced them myself. I can help any young person navigate this challenge and will help them achieve their potential.
Tutor in Brackendowns, Alberton
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24 Hours Tutored
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It is my mother tongue amd I want to encourage children to love it just as I do.
Tutor in Lynnwood Ridge, Pretoria
Tutor in Lynnwood Ridge, Pretoria
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27 Hours Tutored
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My home language is Afrikaans and I learnt how to understand concepts by relating it to every day life. I am well equipped to help with improving on essays and orals.
Tutor in Westdene, Johannesburg
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24 Hours Tutored
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I went to school in a dual-medium school, which allowed me to have friends that were both English and Afrikaans. I am able to speak fluent Afrikaans. I received the award for the best Afrikaans First Additional mark at the end of matric.
Tutor in Krugersdorp North, Krugersdorp
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33 Hours Tutored
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My home language is Afrikaans, I achieved a distinction for Afrikaans in matric and also completed my degree in Afrikaans. My mother is an Afrikaans high school teacher. I am very attentive to my grammar and will always correct someone's spelling errors.
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