These are the Highest Quality Afrikaans Tutors in South Africa. Get Afrikaans Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
Get an Afrikaans tutorTutor in Winchester Hills, Johannesburg South
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329 Hours Tutored
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I encourage students to have an open mind when it comes to learning a new language and that it requires time and practice. I can help clarify any rules they are struggling with.
Tutor in Bordeaux, Randburg
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299 Hours Tutored
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I am fluent in Afrikaans as it is my home language and also placed in top 1% of country for my final Matric exam in 2013.
Tutor in Breaunanda, Krugersdorp
Tutor in Breaunanda, Krugersdorp
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348 Hours Tutored
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I grew up in a family that speaks Afrikaans all the time. I love the sound of the language but recognize the difficulties learning the language presents. I am very patient in teaching the language and know useful tricks for learning the language better.
Tutor in East-Rural, Cape Town
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299 Hours Tutored
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As a native speaker with a deep appreciation for the nuances and richness of Afrikaans, I am well-equipped to impart language, reading, and writing skills. I believe in making language learning immersive and enjoyable, fostering a love for the language that extends beyond proficiency.
Tutor in Hillcrest, Pretoria
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304 Hours Tutored
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Basics are imperative with languages, I've found that by listening to people speak, students are able to get familiar with sounds and intonation. Consistency is key when it comes to languages hence regular practice is needed. Coupled with patience and persistence, students have a recipe for success.
Tutor in Marina Da Gama, Cape Town
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300 Hours Tutored
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My home language is Afrikaans, so I have a good understanding of the language. I attended a bilingual school, where I was in the English class and often helped my English class mates with Afrikaans.
Tutor in Dawnview, Germiston
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408 Hours Tutored
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I have tutored 5 children of various grades in this subject and provided study support during the exam period.
Tutor in Bergbron, Randburg
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310 Hours Tutored
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I grew up with a mother and grandmother who speak the language amongst each other and had to quickly learn to understand. I am able to teach Afrikaans First Additional Language. I enjoyed the subject throughout school.
Tutor in Rondebosch, Cape Town
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312 Hours Tutored
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I speak Afrikaans fluently as my second language and have achieved consistently high marks in school (94% in grade 12) and external Olympiads. My personal experience with learning languages will come in handy, as I have my own techniques that helped me remember vocabulary and complex grammar rules.
Tutor in Strubens Valley, Johannesburg
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303 Hours Tutored
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I have an Afrikaans exercise book that gives step by step instructions in English on how to structurally write in Afrikaans. I am able to understand, write and present Afrikaans speeches and I got notes of the different Afrikaans books.
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