Highest Quality Business Communication Tutors in Vasco Estate, Cape Town. Get Business Communication Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Business Communication tutorTutor in Vasco Estate, Cape Town
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328 Hours Tutored
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I have completed an online Work Readiness Programme courtesy of Fetola and it centred mainly on Business Communication. In addition, l did it as a subject at university during my first year.
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I have a PhD in Governance and Management. I am a qualified teacher with 14 years teaching experience in Higher and Further Education. I have the knowledge and expertise to tutor on the following university courses or modules: Research Methodology; GMAT; MBA; Politics; Economics; Sociology; EAP
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The subject while done first when I was doing bachelor's degree In Business Administration, I had an opportunity of working as a bank manager for 6 years, where the skill was put into practice on a daily basis. I then later went to work as an educator at a high school for 2 years.
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106 Hours Tutored
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Business communication was one of my easiest modules during the entire bachelor`s course. I can attribute this to the fact that I had studied Business Studies during my Advanced Level (Matric Equivalence).
69 Hours Tutored
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I have been exposed to a lot of Business Communication during my tertiary studies. I took this course in my first year and thoroughly enjoyed it. I feel confident and excited to teach Business Comm to others!
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I did English: Communication Studies 1 A & B at National Diploma Level and obtained distinctions for both. This knowledge has been applied since in my work as a research assistant and town planner since graduation.
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177 Hours Tutored
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I did Business Communications 101 as a semester module and recently commenced assisting students with it for preparation for their examinations.
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57 Hours Tutored
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As a Media and Communication major, I was exposed to various aspects of communication, including applied, organisational and business communication. Beyond my studies, I have also lectured this subject across various year for over two years (received the highest modules success rates in the country)
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I have my 3 year bcom degree in strategic management. I have gained knowledge of this module at university level. I found that when reading and interpreting the information I was able to understand, and I will offer my knowledge about this module to the best of my ability.
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I obtained a strong understanding of the principles of communication in my studies and constantly apply these in the current challenging business and personal environment. I am not only passionate about assisting with achieving great results, but also with ensuring understanding and application.
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