Highest Quality Computer Studies (ICT) Tutors in Sunningdale, Cape Town. Get Computer Studies (ICT) Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Computer Studies (ICT) tutorTutor in Sunningdale, Cape Town
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159 Hours Tutored
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As an experienced Computer Studies (ICT) tutor, I have in-depth knowledge of various concepts, programming languages, and software. I am passionate about helping students succeed and can create a supportive learning environment. Let me guide you to reach your full potential in Computer Studies.
Tutors in surrounding areas:
Tutor in Mcgregor, McGregor
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245 Hours Tutored
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I have created a profile for maths tutoring but I work as an actuarial resource who can code, build statistical models, and do actuarial consulting. I code mainly in Python but also in SQL, R, VBA and C# as well as a bit of Java
Tutor in Wynberg, Cape Town
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97 Hours Tutored
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I have taught IGCSE and A and AS Level for 4 years.
Tutor in Observatory, Cape Town
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240 Hours Tutored
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I'm great with computers, always keen to explain seemingly complex topics and concepts! I often write program for fun in my spare time and believe I can explain the core principals of programming quite well.
Tutor in La Montagne, Pretoria
16 Hours Tutored
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In high school I was studying Computer Applications Technology, I know everything that you need to know about Computer as I passed this subject with a distinction . I know all the programs in the computer and I was tutoring it last year.
Tutor in Edenvale, Gauteng
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153 Hours Tutored
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I did CAT in high school. It was one of the most useful subjects I had. It prepared me for university and taught me how to research efficiently and effectively. I have also worked with all Microsoft programs both in high school and at university level. I also have a good grasp of Adobe Premiere.
Tutor in Kenilworth, Cape Town
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39 Hours Tutored
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I currently work as an IT and Science teacher for a private school in Cape Town.
Tutor in Claremont, Cape Town
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28 Hours Tutored
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I have a lot of experience with computers and programming.
Tutor in Gardens, Cape Town
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74 Hours Tutored
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I have a full ICDL (International Computer Drivers Licence) Certification and am literate in all forms of Computer Sciences.
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