Highest Quality Foundation Phase- Literacy Tutors in Knopjeslaagte, Midrand. Get Foundation Phase- Literacy Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Foundation Phase- Literacy tutorTutor in Knopjeslaagte, Midrand
Tutor in Knopjeslaagte, Midrand
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I am a foundation Phase teacher by profession. I have an extreme love for kids & a passion for teaching. I believe in a learner centered approach to student learning & always see the child as their own individual, not in comparison to others. I intend on growing my kids academically and otherwise.
Tutors in surrounding areas:
Tutor in Fourways, Sandton
Tutor in Fourways, Sandton
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14 Hours Tutored
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I am a qualified foundation phase teacher
Tutor in Blue Valley Golf Estate, Centurion
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12 Hours Tutored
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I have often worked with children, and have experience in tutoring foundation phase. I will make literacy a fun concept to grasp and learn.
Tutor in Mnandi AH, Centurion
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298 Hours Tutored
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I am a Foundation Phase Teacher and have an Honors degree in Foundation Phase. I can tutor all the Foundation Phase grades which will include Grade 2 and 3.
Tutor in Morningside, Sandton
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89 Hours Tutored
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I graduated cum laude B.Ed. Foundation phase, I majored in English and Developmental Psychology. My degree focused on integrated learning across all 8 learning areas and learner support for learners who may be experiencing barriers to learning.
Tutor in Broadacres AH, Sandton
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49 Hours Tutored
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Help learners to develop basic literacy skills to form effective communication and future academic success.
Tutor in Celtisdal, Centurion
Tutor in Celtisdal, Centurion
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191 Hours Tutored
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I have prior experience tutoring two foundation phase students for grade 3 and grade 8.
Tutor in Morningside, Sandton
Tutor in Morningside, Sandton
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I currently have a 4 month old baby and love teaching and playing with children.
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489 Hours Tutored
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Improving Foundation Phase Literacy includes phonetics, reading aloud and reading activities, spelling, grammar, rhymes, songs, as well as the use of visual and manipulative materials.
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475 Hours Tutored
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As a qualified English teacher. I have extensive experience assisting foundation phase learners with literacy and all aspects of it. I have taught various learners from a variety of different backgrounds with varying ranges of understanding.
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790 Hours Tutored
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English is a universal language. I’ve been teaching it to foreign students, young and old, and natives. I’m passionate about it. I am a patient tutor and innovative. I use modelling, less teacher talk time and more interactive lessons to improve your skills in the language.
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Subjects offered in Knopjeslaagte