These are the Highest Quality French Tutors in Belhar 21, Cape Town. Get French Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
Get a French tutorTutor in Belhar 21, Cape Town
Tutor in Belhar 21, Cape Town
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I am an academic and bilingual (French and English). I am originally from a French-speaking country, and completed all my academics in French - right up to my Honours Degree.
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Tutor in Cape Farms, Cape Town
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79 Hours Tutored
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I am passionate about languages. As a native French speaker, I enjoy in helping students, whether for academics or social interactions. With 3 years of teaching experience, trust me to guide you on your French language journey.
Tutor in Arauna, Cape Town
Tutor in Arauna, Cape Town
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French is considered my first language. I write, read, speak all very well. I was among the best in it at school. Primary school, high school and university I studied in the DRC in French. I have published and reviewed publishable papers in French. I have also translated from French to English.
Tutor in Oostersee, Cape Town
Tutor in Oostersee, Cape Town
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French is my mother tongue and I have a deep love and passion for the language and I am an avid reader. I would love to assist others in bettering their knowledge and grammar in this field.
Tutor in Matroosfontein, Cape Town
Tutor in Matroosfontein, Cape Town
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I have studied French at university as part of my degree. In my first year I was a top achiever in the language in the university's foreign language department.
Tutor in Elardus Park, Pretoria
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334 Hours Tutored
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I took French for 2 years in school and I really enjoyed it. I know how much it means to someone if they can speak their home language, so if anyone is wanting to learn French I would be able to help in the basic conversation and comprehension.
Tutor in Pinelands, Cape Town
Tutor in Pinelands, Cape Town
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12 Hours Tutored
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French being my mother tongue, I long started teaching this language, since 2008.
Tutor in Pinelands, Cape Town
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112 Hours Tutored
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I excelled in French as a second additional language throughout high school, and I am currently studying French at a third year level at UCT. Having spent a year in France, I am particularly skilled at oral communication in French.
Tutor in District Six, Cape Town
Tutor in District Six, Cape Town
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French is a beautiful language to learn. I fell in love with its complexity and ambiguity in high school. Learning French with the right tutor can be made easy if the rules are laid out and the tenses are clarified at an early stage of learning.
Tutor in Vergesig, Cape Town
Tutor in Vergesig, Cape Town
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-I have majored in French, English and History. -I have a post graduate degree in Journalism from Stellenbosch University -I love learning.
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