These are the Highest Quality Online Physical Science Tutors. Get Physical Science Lessons Online with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
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365 Hours Tutored
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I believe that I am a born teacher, tutoring and changing students lives is in my blood. I make science fun and inject students with passion and understanding that will take them places. Therefore, I will change your perspective from only thinking about passing to wanting distinctions.
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377 Hours Tutored
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I am currently a Chemical Engineering student, engineering involves a great deal of Physics and mathematics, hence I have the required characteristics to lecture or teach these subjects. Able to tutor CAPS and IEB.
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334 Hours Tutored
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I am a 4th year BSc. Physiotherapy student. I really enjoyed Physical science at school and I also had Physics as a module in my first year of University. I had Physical Sciences as a subject till gr. 12 and a few friend I gave tutoring for Physics.
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387 Hours Tutored
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I did well in this subject during my studying period and applied the principles in my career path. I also lectured Physical Sciences for the Engineering Academy.
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363 Hours Tutored
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I achieved a distinction in Physical Science in high school and have majored in Physics at university. I feel confident to teach others the concepts of this subject.
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329 Hours Tutored
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This subject can be very challenging to learners, but I can assist them in breaking the work into sections and understanding the different topics and how to apply the theory to test questions.
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345 Hours Tutored
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I obtained 98% for Physical Science in Year 12. I have successfully done Physical Science courses at university, and I love it and I enjoy helping young people with this subject.
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353 Hours Tutored
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With over 5 years of tutoring experience, my focus is on facilitating comprehensive language comprehension.
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329 Hours Tutored
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I have tutored a countless number of learners in this subject over the past 10 years. The key is to understand the basics principles of every topic and thereafter apply them in problem solving. l have developed the ability to quickly identify the need and shortcomings of learners.
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464 Hours Tutored
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My passion in Physical Sciences has made me want to impact more lives and just the spark that comes out from understanding the concept from a student makes me more fulfilled than ever.Thus l am propelled everyday to see each one of them excelling.
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