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David V

31 years old

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I generally enjoy learning. I especially enjoy languages and ancient history. I believe that everyone has potential, and I enjoy helping people to unlock their potential.

At Rhodes University, I was a Classical Studies tutor for two years. I enjoyed the subject as well as engagement with students. I was able to form good relationships with my students. I found that students were willing to put in effort when I met them halfway and so I did and I plan to continue to do this.


• 2013-2014 Associate of Arts (South Puget Sound Community College, USA)
• 2015-2017 B.A Ancient Greek and Classical Studies (Rhodes University)

My Proudest

• Peer Mentor Recognition Award (South Puget Sound Community College, USA).
• Golden Key Membership (joined in 2016).
• Phi Theta Kappa Membership (The USA, for academic achievement), joined in 2013.


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 9 NSC

I received 83% for Afrikaans in Year 12. Because I am able to detect grammatical patterns, I can see where a learner would be most likely to make a mistake. I can help learners not to make mistakes based on this knowledge.


Grade 1 - Grade 10 NSC

I enjoy reading and analysing themes in novels. I also enjoy analysing grammar in sentences. This resulted in 70% for English, and I wish to help other students improve their confidence in these areas.

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