Highest Quality Physical Science Tutors in Dawn Park, Boksburg. Get Physical Science Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Physical Science tutorTutor in Dawn Park, Boksburg
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60 Hours Tutored
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I enjoy solving science problems by applying principles.
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Tutor in Northmead, Benoni
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875 Hours Tutored
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I achieved an A at IGCSE level for Physical Science. I am happy to help learners improve their understanding of the subject.
Tutor in Randhart, Alberton
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501 Hours Tutored
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I have a BSc Honours Degree in Applied Chemistry and currently pursuing a PhD in the subject. Furthermore, I have tutoring experience covering high school up to university postgraduate level in Physics and Chemistry.
Tutor in Kempton Park, Kempton Park
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569 Hours Tutored
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I am an experienced teacher and have been teaching for over 14 years.
Tutor in Glenvista, Johannesburg South
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581 Hours Tutored
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I have been tutoring Physical Science for about 4 years with an astounding success rate. Physical Science is one of the subjects I am most proficient in and I really enjoy helping students to improve their marks in it.
Tutor in Windmill Park, Boksburg
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669 Hours Tutored
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I managed to obtain a Distinction in Science Grade 12, not only did I get such good results I had an opportunity to tutor students around KZN. This was very rewarding for me because I saw young people like myself getting into really great careers.
Tutor in Cresslawn, Kempton Park
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263 Hours Tutored
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I improve marks as I aim to enhance your ability to think critically and solve problems. I focus on accumulating the most marks from complex questions and how to answer question papers in the given time and accumulate the optimum marks from the question paper.
Tutor in Witfield, Boksburg
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242 Hours Tutored
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I really enjoyed Physical Science at school and have extended my knowledge in my degree. I am happy to tutor up to this level, but do not want to tutor Grade 11 and 12.
Tutor in Birchleigh, Kempton Park
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1247 Hours Tutored
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Life Science and Physical Science form my core subjects in my profession. I am well versed in the subject matter up to university level.
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