These are the Highest Quality Physical Science Tutors in Germiston. Get Physical Science Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
Get a Physical Science tutorTutor in Homestead, Germiston
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Studies Civil Engineering at Tuks and completed Physics and Chemistry modules at Engineering Level.
Tutor in Castleview, Germiston
Tutor in Castleview, Germiston
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Back in 2014 I attended Kutlwanong (centre for mathematics and physical sciences) since then I’ve been motivated to overcome everything that comes my way. Since then my marks changed dramatically and I became an A+ student.
Tutor in Roodekop, Germiston
Tutor in Roodekop, Germiston
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As a chemical engineering student, I have taken first-year level physics and have applied physics concepts in courses such as thermodynamics and transfer processes. I have an understanding of basic physics and its applications and this experience makes me an excellent physics tutor.
Tutor in Georgetown, Germiston
Tutor in Georgetown, Germiston
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Science is a specialty of mine and I am well equipped to tutoring it. I obtained good marks in grade 12, as well as in university.
Tutor in Wadeville, Germiston
Tutor in Wadeville, Germiston
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I did volunteering work for a year at Tshiamo Learning, where I tutored and mentored high school learners. I worked for turning point tutors, tutoring university students for 2 years
Tutor in Germiston, Gauteng
21 Hours Tutored
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I believe that Physical Science is one of the best subjects for a student to take during school. I enjoyed learning Science, and I matriculated with 92%.
Tutor in Dinwiddie, Germiston
Tutor in Dinwiddie, Germiston
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I have been tutoring for 2 years now and I am a qualified Engineer.
Tutor in Tedstone Ville, Germiston
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42 Hours Tutored
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I am good at applying Physical Science concepts, it has always been my passion since high school. I was tutoring my peers while was at school and college. I have always scored high marks in Physics due to my passion for it.
Tutor in Dinwiddie, Germiston
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28 Hours Tutored
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I am able to assist just about any student with this subject. The Chemistry aspect is my favourite. I'd like to pass the knowledge on to others.
Tutor in Sunnyrock, Germiston
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97 Hours Tutored
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I never had a difficult time understanding concepts for physics so I would like to help other students improve. Physics opens a lot of doors in career choices and I would like to help each student have better career options by helping them take the first step with a better physics mark.
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