Highest Quality Social Science Tutors in Somerset Park, Umhlanga. Get Social Science Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Social Science tutorTutor in Somerset Park, uMhlanga
Tutor in Somerset Park, uMhlanga
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25 Hours Tutored
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The saying "Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu" ( a person is a person through people) emphasizes our interconnected humanity, highlighting the importance of community and mutual respect. I can provide tutoring in foundational Social Studies to help understand human relations and their role in past events.
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Tutor in Carletonville, Gauteng
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790 Hours Tutored
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I really enjoy Social Science in general, but even more than that I really enjoy teaching it. I have many years of teaching experience and I have had very good results from my students!
Tutor in Southgate, Phoenix
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252 Hours Tutored
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I taught History to grade 9 students at a high school in Durban. I can help you ace your final exams by mastering essay writing skills and interpreting source-based questions for each section of the syllabus as well as revising past papers.
Tutor in Durban Central, Durban
Tutor in Durban Central, Durban
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I help students understand the real world we live in, learn places, cultures, and make informed and reasoned decisions. I teach them to be good citizens of a cultural diverse world, and to understand processes of change in our societies.
Tutor in Musgrave, Berea
Tutor in Musgrave, Berea
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Social Science is an important subject because of its all-encompassing nature. I am an attentive and hands-on tutor, eager to see students grasp the different elements that allow for this versatile subject to be applicable to their day-to-day life.
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1020 Hours Tutored
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I love this subject and I have tutored primary and high school learners as a volunteer during my time at university.
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2336 Hours Tutored
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I have 6 years experience in tutoring Social Science. Social Science was my favourite subject in high school and therefore I am passionate about it that is why my methods are easy for learners to understand.
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814 Hours Tutored
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History paves the way for our future and teaches us to have compassion for our fellow men. It is a necessity for any learner to study this field to keep us all humane and accountable.
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705 Hours Tutored
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Geography and History have always been two of my favourite subjects from primary school. I've also had the opportunity to teach multiple grade 7 classes both Geography and History during my teaching practicals this year- 2021
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Subjects offered in Somerset Park