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Get a tutorTutor in Tedstone Ville, Germiston
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42 Hours Tutored
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I am passionate about our youth and their future. I would give almost anything to help someone realize their full potential. I always find pleasure in helping someone achieve their goals.
Tutor in Pelican Park, Germiston
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68 Hours Tutored
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I love education, I'm a student of life because you never stop learning.
Tutor in Primrose Hill, Germiston
Tutor in Primrose Hill, Germiston
24 Hours Tutored
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My name is Sarah and I am from China. I have been a Journalist for the past 2 years at African Times in JHB. I was a TV host in China before I came to South Africa.
Tutor in Dinwiddie, Germiston
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28 Hours Tutored
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I am a kind Christian who loves people and loves working with learners. I like researching and exploring both the scientific and non-scientific answers to life's problems.
Tutor in Roodekop, Germiston
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37 Hours Tutored
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I find joy in guiding students with relevant insights for skill development and academic progress. Clear communication ensures comprehension.
Tutor in Dawnview, Germiston
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65 Hours Tutored
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I have a passion in psychology and am pursuing a career in Psychology. I am also a qualified pre-school teacher. I would love to work with Special Needs Children. I am ambitious and hard-working
Tutor in Primrose, Germiston
Tutor in Primrose, Germiston
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24 Hours Tutored
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I'm a personable, driven, and astute professional adept at fostering analytical thinking. With a passion for numbers and a background in Finance, I excel in guiding others to develop crucial skills.
Tutor in Roodebult, Germiston
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82 Hours Tutored
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Wits grad in Comp Sci & Applied Math. Tutoring Pure Math, Science, & Comp Sci since 2019, committed to academic excellence.
Tutor in Roodekop, Germiston
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43 Hours Tutored
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I am a outspoken and driven. I love helping other people because I know what it feels like to have not had help and my biggest goal is to possess information that is able to better someone.
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