Tutors in Observatory, Cape Town

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Joshua N

Tutor in Observatory, Cape Town

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278 Hours Tutored

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I am a final year engineering student at UCT and enjoy teaching. I love art, design, and math, and am good at making people feel at ease when a difficult concept is making their brain hurt.

Physics Mathematics Physical Science Engineering Drawing Engineering Graphics and Design
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Thulani M

Tutor in Observatory, Cape Town

chip background star 5.0
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2323 Hours Tutored

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I'm a highly motivated tutor who loves to inspire young minds. Join me on a journey of discovery and let's unlock your full potential together.

SPSS STATA Research R Studio Accounting Statistics Mathematics Applied Statistics Business Statistics Advanced Mathematics Economic Management Science (EMS)
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Ntebogeng K

Tutor in Observatory, Cape Town

chip background star 5.0
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298 Hours Tutored

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Without a doubt, I always have a smile on my face. Count on me to be your motivator and your shoulder to cry on.

English Afrikaans Mathematics
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Admire M

Tutor in Observatory, Cape Town

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1781 Hours Tutored

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I studied Chemical engineering at the University of Capetown. I love interacting with different people from different parts of the world. I love music and l am also a professional pianist

English Geology Physics Chemistry Mathematics Microeconomics Exam Preparation Engineering Maths Mathematics Literacy Chemical Engineering
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Erin B

Tutor in Observatory, Cape Town

chip background star 4.9
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566 Hours Tutored

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I am someone who is passionate about the environment, specifically about plants. I'm determined to help people grasp concepts and ideas that will aid in their academic future.

English History Afrikaans Life Sciences (Biology)
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Sean C

Tutor in Observatory, Cape Town

chip background star 4.9
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729 Hours Tutored

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I am an energetic, enthusiastic and diligent worker. I enjoy teaching and I am filled with a great sense of pride when I see my students' marks rise.

Chess Chemistry Basketball Mathematics Physical Science Chemical Engineering
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Siphesihle C

Tutor in Observatory, Cape Town

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422 Hours Tutored

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I am a people person. I love interacting with different people as I believe that not all life lessons are learned at school. I am goal driven and I always push myself until I have achieved my goals.

Zulu English Mathematics Natural Science Physical Science Life Orientation Life Sciences (Biology)
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Andy F

Tutor in Observatory, Cape Town

chip background star 4.8
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352 Hours Tutored

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I love challenges, and explaining very intricate systems in easy-to-grasp ways.

Physics Calculus Geography Mathematics Linear Algebra
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Lwazi M

Tutor in Observatory, Cape Town

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281 Hours Tutored

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I am a very patient and understanding individual. I love helping people achieve their goals!

Mathematics Physical Science Life Sciences (Biology)
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Nosandiswa D

Tutor in Observatory, Cape Town

chip background star 5.0
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381 Hours Tutored

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I'm known to be the most generous person, I'm always willing to help people. I spend most of my time studying and doing my research on the medical topics

English Physics Geography Chemistry Mathematics Social Science Natural Science Life Sciences (Biology)
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