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44 Hours Tutored
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I am a Law student at the University of Cape Town. I am an animal lover and enjoy reading poetry in my spare time.
Tutor in Plumstead, Cape Town
62 Hours Tutored
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I have a 'work hard, play hard' attitude and was a keen member of the ski club. I love all types of music and have a keen interest in travel.
Tutor in Plumstead, Cape Town
Tutor in Plumstead, Cape Town
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I am a driven, motivated and hard working student determined to make it for myself and to help others along the way. I am patient, caring and supportive.
Tutor in Plumstead, Cape Town
Tutor in Plumstead, Cape Town
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16 Hours Tutored
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I am a student myself and therefore fully immerged in the learning experience. My strong academic background puts me in an exciting position to help and guide my future students.
Tutor in Plumstead, Cape Town
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366 Hours Tutored
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I am a passionate individual who enjoys working with others and helping them to reach their potential. I am a hard working, determined individual does not give up easily on achieving my goals.
Tutor in Plumstead, Cape Town
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117 Hours Tutored
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I am a motivated and diligent individual with a variety of interests and a passion for environmental and biological sciences. My main goal is to better the living standards of those less fortunate.
Tutor in Plumstead, Cape Town
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424 Hours Tutored
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I am a qualified, creative and very experienced teacher with an excellent subject knowledge. I will develop your skills and your love of the subject through motivation, humour and hard work.
Tutor in Plumstead, Cape Town
59 Hours Tutored
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I am a highly reliable person. Hard working, open minded I am a people person. I love meeting and working with new people,
Tutor in Plumstead, Cape Town
Tutor in Plumstead, Cape Town
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I am passionate about development and growth. I enjoy helping people become better versions of themselves, by unleashing their existing potential.
Tutor in Plumstead, Cape Town
19 Hours Tutored
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I am a dedicated, innovative and fun high school teacher and counsellor in Cape Town. I love to help children to enjoy education, excel socially and in turn maximise their academic results.
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