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Khalirendwe K

Tutor in Nelspruit Central, Mbombela • 32 years old

Request Khalirendwe
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Can tutor in person


I am someone who enjoys doing things that challenge my thinking and will help me learn new things. I complied my B. Eng Chemical engineering degree in 2018

A great tutor can be seen through her patience - and this is me. I'm someone who is able to explain one thing over and over again just to make sure learners understand. I enjoy working with people.


• 2010 Matriculated from Matavhela secondary school
• 2011-2012 BSc Physical Sciences
• 2012-2018 B Eng Chemical Engineering

My Proudest

• I am a Golden Key graduate from October 2013
• I got a Merit Certificate in my matric final exam for obtaining high marks in Mathematics (82%) and Tshivenḓa (80%)


  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

From grade 8, I did very well in Mathematics until grade 10 when things changed totally. When I changed high schools, I got one of the good teachers and things started looking up for me. In grade 12, I obtained the highest mark in Mathematics of 82%.


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

I studied Physical and Organic Chemistry in high school and I found it easy. I am currently studying Chemical Engineering at the University of Pretoria.

Physical Science

Grade 1 - Grade 12 IEB, NSC

I studied Chemical Engineering at the University of Pretoria. I obtained 79% in Phy on my matric certification. I have been tutoring Physical science high school for about 2 years.

  • Adhoc Tutoring


Beginner - Grade 12

I am originally from venda born and raised. I obtained 80% in Tshivenḓa Home Language on my matric.

  • Language Tutoring


Beginner - Intermediate

I am originally from venda born and raised. I obtained 80% in Tshivenḓa Home Language on my matric.


Khalirendwe will travel up to 15km from Nelspruit Central, Mbombela, Mpumalanga to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

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