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Mmakgabo P

Tutor in Bothasig, Cape Town • 39 years old

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Can tutor online

Can tutor in person


I am a curious individual who believes anything is possible. All we need to achieve the best is knowledge, will and perseverance

I enjoy helping others to achieve their best in life. I find it interesting to share the knowledge I have acquired over the years to those who want to thrive in future.


• 2004-2006: B.Sc Computer Science - University of Limpopo

My Proudest

• I have worked on a number of huge complex projects in recent years, the most notable being:
• www.parliament.gov.za
• www.doh.limpopo.gov.za


  • Adhoc Tutoring


Beginner - Intermediate and Advanced.

I am a professional Developer with a high level of experience implementing business projects with PHP. I hold a B.Sc in Computer Science.

Visual Basic

Beginner - Intermediate and Advanced.

I developed and deployed a .net time and attendance system for my previous employer. I made use of Visual Basic skills. I hold a B.Sc in Computer Science.


Beginner - Advanced

JavaScript is a great skill for any Web Developer. I have worked on a number of projects using my JavaScript skills. I hold a B.Sc in Computer Science.


Beginner - Introductory

I have completed an intensive Java training course at BBD where the emphasis was on understanding the basics and working your way up. I hold a B.Sc in Computer Science.

  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 12

I have tutored Grade 12 learners in Mathematics before. I achieved a B in matric.


Mmakgabo will travel up to 20km from Bothasig, Cape Town, Western Cape to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

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