Highest Quality Engineering Maths Tutors in Pelican Park, Germiston. Get Engineering Maths Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get an Engineering Maths tutorTutor in Pelican Park, Germiston
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68 Hours Tutored
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With Mathematics being at the core of Engineering, I ensured that I achieved a distinction for the module. I am, therefore, confident in my ability to transfer knowledge and facilitate learning.
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Tutor in Orange Grove, Johannesburg
Tutor in Orange Grove, Johannesburg
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I have a better, ease to transmit and teach when it comes to Mathematics. I used to be a tutor at Math Centre in Vaal University of Technology's campus.
Tutor in Johannesburg, Gauteng
Tutor in Johannesburg, Gauteng
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I am a professional, passionate and enthusiastic person that can help students improve in their Maths. I have a record of delivering high-quality teaching to students that contributes towards high grades. I am confident that my passion and experience are qualities you are looking for.
Tutor in Kempton Park Cbd, Kempton Park
10 Hours Tutored
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I would like to give students the skills and abilities to succeed, not only through Maths but throughout their university careers. I offer assistance and individual learning plans and aim to improve confidence and study habits by offering advanced material.
Tutor in Yeoville, Johannesburg
Tutor in Yeoville, Johannesburg
10 Hours Tutored
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I really enjoy teaching Mathematics because it allows me to be a critical thinker while engaging with my students. When I’m teaching Maths I get to encourage students to identify several alternative study strategies from which to choose. I achieved a high distinction for this module.
Tutor in Braamfontein, Johannesburg
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I have developed an ability to explain math concepts in a way that ensures understanding, and it has become a part of who I am. This approach of combining concepts with practical application makes me a strong fit as a tutor for this module.
Tutor in Braamfontein, Johannesburg
Tutor in Braamfontein, Johannesburg
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I have always achieved outstanding results in maths from high school to first-year engineering maths. I enjoy solving problems and this skill makes me a good maths tutor.
Tutor in Parktown, Johannesburg
Tutor in Parktown, Johannesburg
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- I tutored a group of student and got above 70%. I'm a great Mathematics in the making, I have the ability to relate problems to Mathematics.
Tutor in Braamfontein, Johannesburg
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244 Hours Tutored
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I am a great tutor for Engineering Maths because I became interested in Maths from an early age, so I explored more and was fascinated with the concepts. With time I improved and I passed this module with 81% in my first year at university.
Tutor in Wanderers View Estate, Johannesburg
Tutor in Wanderers View Estate, Johannesburg
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I am very passionate and well learned about engineering Maths. I am able to effectively teach and share my knowledge and experience necessary to pass and excel at this module.
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Subjects offered in Pelican Park