Highest Quality Life Sciences (Biology) Tutors in Johannesburg South. Get Life Sciences (Biology) Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Life Sciences (Biology) tutorTutor in Bassonia, Johannesburg South
Tutor in Bassonia, Johannesburg South
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Biology has always been fascinating to me. To learn about organisms and life is astounding. I've done Biology for 3 years and always achieved a mark higher that 80%
Tutor in Olifantsvlei 327-Iq, Johannesburg South
Tutor in Olifantsvlei 327-Iq, Johannesburg South
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I believe I’m good in Life Sciences up to engineering level. I have taught Life Sciences in my former high school as a volunteer.
Tutor in Risana, Johannesburg South
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20 Hours Tutored
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I have taught Life Science/ Biology for 21 years.
Tutor in Mulbarton, Johannesburg South
Tutor in Mulbarton, Johannesburg South
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I am extremely passionate about life sciences and as such I am a first year student studying a bachelor of health sciences. Throughout high school I maintained a high distinction for life sciences as well as a top academic position.
Tutor in Winchester Hills, Johannesburg South
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18 Hours Tutored
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I have always loved Biology, achieving 81% for it in matric. I am able to explain and transfer my knowledge of this subject really well due to my keen interest in it.
Tutor in Glenvista, Johannesburg South
Tutor in Glenvista, Johannesburg South
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I obtained good marks for Biological Science at O level and I have a BSc in Environmental Health. I covered a number of Biological Science topics such as Anatomy and Physiology, Ecology and Science of origins.
Tutor in Gleneagles, Johannesburg South
Tutor in Gleneagles, Johannesburg South
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I have one year's experience in teaching Biology in Zimbabwe.
Tutor in Tulisa Park, Johannesburg South
Tutor in Tulisa Park, Johannesburg South
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This was easily one of my favourite subjects, exploring all forms of life. I will be very comfortable tutoring up to Grade 9 in this subject.
Tutor in Winchester Hills, Johannesburg South
Tutor in Winchester Hills, Johannesburg South
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I have a Distinction in Life Sciences, it was one of my favourite subjects therefore I would love to tutor it and help other students find the love of life that I have.
Tutor in Ormonde, Johannesburg South
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I have been a tutor at University level for about 2 years.l tutored science subjects mainly Chemistry and Biology to first year university students. I have teaching experience as well. I am able to work with students from any social background.
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