Highest Quality Life Sciences (Biology) Tutors in Pretoria. Get Life Sciences (Biology) Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Life Sciences (Biology) tutorTutor in Hatfield, Pretoria
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I also used to struggle with application of the theory I knew off by heart until I was taught different ways of approaching questions and how to answer them. This is a skill I can use with those struggling and with summarising.
Tutor in Waterkloof, Pretoria
78 Hours Tutored
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I have tutored Life Science before and look forward to helping you enjoy the subject as much as I do.
Tutor in Waterkloof Ridge, Pretoria
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45 Hours Tutored
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I love Biology, and have a B.Sc Medical Science degree.
Tutor in Moreleta Park, Pretoria
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71 Hours Tutored
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I have no experience in teaching this subject, but I have plenty of other teaching experience and a lot of knowledge about the subject.
Tutor in Nieuw Muckleneuk, Pretoria
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I have recently received my degree in Physiology which links strongly to Biology and the underlying processes thereof. While I was still in school this passed as one of my favorite subjects as I enjoyed the facts and applicability to my daily life.
Tutor in Elardus Park, Pretoria
Tutor in Elardus Park, Pretoria
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48 Hours Tutored
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I have a Bachelors degree in Biokinetics as well as a teaching degree specializing in biology. I have a comprehensive understanding of the body's anatomy and physiology.
Tutor in Monument Park, Pretoria
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I have a keen interest in the subject. I believe that I will be able to assist learners in understanding the various areas of Life Sciences.
Tutor in Waterkloof, Pretoria
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37 Hours Tutored
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As a qualified Occupational Therapist I completed 1st year Anatomy and Physiology at the University of the Free State. This is a subject that I continue to utilize in my every day profession.
Tutor in Hatfield, Pretoria
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42 Hours Tutored
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Life Sciences was one of my favourite high school subject and I was always intrigued by the content. Life Sciences was one of the subjects I looked forward to attending and became really good at Biological essays.
Tutor in Riviera, Pretoria
Tutor in Riviera, Pretoria
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41 Hours Tutored
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I have always loved biology since I was in high school. When I went to university, I studied BSc majoring in Biology and chemistry. I then graduated top of my class and went further to study medicine where I am currently in my 4th year.
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