Highest Quality Managerial Economics Tutors in La Lucia, Umhlanga. Get Managerial Economics Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Managerial Economics tutorTutor in La Lucia, uMhlanga
Tutor in La Lucia, uMhlanga
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156 Hours Tutored
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My tutoring sessions focus on practical economic analysis and decision-making skills essential for future managers. I aim to demystify complex economic theories, making them accessible and applicable to real-world business scenarios.
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79 Hours Tutored
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My academic accolades bear testimony to my versatility and aptitude in various business facets. My personal experience in the corporate world and academia makes it easier to unpack and integrate theoretical aspects into practical.
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I am a recipient of a couple of certificates of recognition in management studies at university level- a testament to my understanding of the subject. I have a great appreciation of the founding principles of management.
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Subjects offered in La Lucia