These are the Highest Quality Mandarin Chinese Tutors in Brookline. Get Mandarin Chinese Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
Get a Mandarin Chinese tutorTutor in Brookline, Massachusetts
Tutor in Brookline, Massachusetts
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As a native speaker of Mandarin Chinese, I am able to teach proper pronounciation and grammar of Chinese. I also have two semesters of experience in college-level Chinese. I can help students memorize Chinese characters, translate sentences and prepare for any oral and written exams.
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Growing up, I have always been surrounded by Chinese culture and language, with Chinese being the first language I learned. I am currently pursuing a Minor in Chinese and have studied abroad in China for 2 months in the summer of 2019.
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I often volunteered at my local Chinese school on Saturdays so I have experience tutoring children in Chinese.
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39 Hours Tutored
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I grew up in China which means I have solid Chinese language skills. Moreover, I went abroad in 2017 and spoke English most time since then, which greatly practiced my English skills. I am a peaceful and patient person, and I am very glad to hear questions from students.
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