Highest Quality Physical Science IEB Tutors in Cape Town City Centre, Cape Town. Get Physical Science IEB Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Physical Science IEB tutorTutor in Cape Town City Centre, Cape Town
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242 Hours Tutored
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I have a passion for Physics. I have been a tutor for two years at the University of Pretoria.
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Tutor in Observatory, Cape Town
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17 Hours Tutored
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Personally, I gained a lot from having a Physics tutor at school and I would love to have the same impact on some one. I find I am able to explain difficult concepts in a way people can understand, making their learning more enjoyable and successful.
Tutor in Parkwood, Randburg
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267 Hours Tutored
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I have effectively tutored Grade 11 students in this subject. My extensive and detailed notes from school are valuable tools that I use to ensure my students have a solid understanding of all concepts.
Tutor in Sea Point, Cape Town
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34 Hours Tutored
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I have experience in tutoring both IEB and NSC Physical Science. I got a Distinction in this subject and I am well equipped to tutor it.
Tutor in Devil's Peak Estate, Cape Town
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60 Hours Tutored
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I succeeded in IEB Matric Physical Science as well as in two semesters in first-year university at UCT for Physics for Engineers covering modules ranging from Mechanics, Dynamics, Thermodynamics, Waves and Optics, Electricity & Magnetism.
Tutor in Tamboerskloof, Cape Town
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174 Hours Tutored
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I have one year of experience tutoring IEB Gr12 level Physical Science. I believe I can get anyone excited about these subjects. In addition I have achieved 82% and 86% for Physics and Chemistry respectively in my first year at UCT.
Tutor in Newlands, Cape Town
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I matriculated in the top 1% of IEB students. I was also top in my school for the subject, and studied both physics and chemistry further in university. I have a particular love for the subject, and have tutored many matric students for the subject.
Tutor in Plumstead, Cape Town
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117 Hours Tutored
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I am generally passionate about all Sciences. I took on both Physics and Chemistry as subjects in my first year of university.
Tutor in Rondebosch, Cape Town
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Well versed with projectile motions, chemical equilibrium and various other physical science topics that are often problematic. I am enrolled in a lab where Quantum and Classical mechanics and Faraday laws are often applied.
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