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Get a tutorTutor in Umhlanga, KwaZulu-Natal
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444 Hours Tutored
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I am an exceptional teacher with well honed teaching skills, and 25 years of experience.
Tutor in Morningside, Berea
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423 Hours Tutored
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I am a very joyful, friendly person that enjoys helping others. I am dedicated and hard working.
Tutor in Hillcrest, KwaZulu-Natal
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474 Hours Tutored
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I am a passionate teacher, and I always put my students first. I am a good listener, I listen to the needs of my students and see how best to help them.
Tutor in Stanger Central, KwaDukuza
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377 Hours Tutored
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I'm a student at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, currently studying Chemical Engineering. I enjoy helping learners that struggle in Mathematics and Science and I'm capable of tutoring CAPS and IEB.
Tutor in Bellair, Durban
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498 Hours Tutored
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I am a passionate Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Mathematical Literacy educator. I have good communication skills which enable to build rapport with my learners and hence address underlying issues
Tutor in Atholl Heights, Westville
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427 Hours Tutored
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I am a Chemical Engineer, with 5+ years experience in lecturing, academic advising as well as facilitation. I have a passion to help others and to impart knowledge.
Tutor in Scottsville, Pietermaritzburg
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449 Hours Tutored
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I'm a passionate tutor who delights in helping learners grasp their subjects. My experience has honed my teaching skills.
Tutor in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal
Tutor in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal
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312 Hours Tutored
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A dedicated teacher who can help his students learn and improve in various areas. Well mannered and focus teacher with a large knowledge of the subjects
Tutor in Dawncliffe, Westville
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290 Hours Tutored
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I am the kind of person who is passionate about every single thing I do. I am also a bit of a perfectionist.
Tutor in Madadeni C, Newcastle
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329 Hours Tutored
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An enthusiastic tutor passionate about literature, dancing, and quality TV, ready to inspire and guide students with compassion and friendliness.
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Subjects offered in KwaZulu-Natal
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