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Tutor in Milner Estate Lennox Estate & Pan, East London
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I am a very kind and patient human being. I like to help others succeed.
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Tutor in Laurindale, Cape Town
Tutor in Laurindale, Cape Town
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30 Hours Tutored
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You never get bored in my class, as I turn otherwise dull learning into a fun experience. I help in teaching the essential knowledge, positive results are guaranteed!
Tutor in East London, Eastern Cape
Tutor in East London, Eastern Cape
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I am a TESOL teacher with immeasurable experience in the Corporate Business sector. I am a Life Coach and Counselor.
Tutor in Selborne, East London
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62 Hours Tutored
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I am a highly passionate individual who gives his all in improving the lives of all around him. As a proponent of Ubuntu, I strive to enrich all I encounter, as best I can.
Tutor in East London Cbd, East London
Tutor in East London Cbd, East London
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I am a very hardworking young man with a high professional approach to duty, reliable and outstanding interpersonal skills.
Tutor in Dawn Park, Boksburg
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60 Hours Tutored
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I am a Pharmacy student at UWC. I am analytical, diligent and adventurous. I love inspiring and helping people. I enjoy manipulating, analysing and working with figures.
Tutor in Sundowner, Randburg
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My name is Thobelani Mpofu, I hold a BSc in civil engineering from the university of the Witwatersrand. And I did my 2 years in Computer Science at the University of Cape Town. I love giving back.
Tutor in Cambridge West, East London
Tutor in Cambridge West, East London
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I am a young man whose passionate about bettering my community. I believe that without education, a man cannot get far.
Tutor in Siyakha, East London
22 Hours Tutored
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I am a self-motivated and diligent person who is committed in achieving high standards of competence and professionalism in my work.
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Subjects offered in Milner Estate Lennox Estate & Pan
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