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55 Hours Tutored
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I believe I am a friendly person who fosters a welcoming environment for learning. I am determined to help people achieve their goals, providing support and encouragement every step of the way.
Tutor in Parklands, Cape Town
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180 Hours Tutored
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I'm a friendly, smiling and understanding person. I am a very motivational person I don't give up on a person easily.
Tutor in Parklands, Cape Town
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73 Hours Tutored
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I enjoy teaching for understanding and challenging a student's thinking while figuring out how the student learns in order to cater to individual needs. My lessons are relaxed and entertaining.
Tutor in Parklands, Cape Town
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90 Hours Tutored
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I am a kind hearted person who really loves helping people. I find joy in seeing people succeed
Tutor in Parklands, Cape Town
Tutor in Parklands, Cape Town
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I am a life-changer who inspires anyone in the learning environment through my ability to articulate on basic concepts of the subject matter. I bring in practical applications in the subject matter.
Tutor in Parklands, Cape Town
Tutor in Parklands, Cape Town
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42 Hours Tutored
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I’m very understanding and friendly by nature and strive to enrich the lives of others. I enjoy interacting with people and to help wherever I can.
Tutor in Parklands, Cape Town
Tutor in Parklands, Cape Town
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315 Hours Tutored
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With a Master's Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Cape Town, I bring extensive experience, ensuring you receive top-notch instruction to succeed in your academic journey.
Tutor in Parklands, Cape Town
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167 Hours Tutored
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I am goal oriented person who is wiling to study from the various people as I respect people's values. I am a very approachable, kind man and I like sharing my experiences in life.
Tutor in Parklands, Cape Town
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94 Hours Tutored
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I am extremely patient and understanding. Generally positive person who believes no problem is too hard to solve.
Tutor in Parklands, Cape Town
Tutor in Parklands, Cape Town
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I am a purist and a staunch lover for teaching. I believe understanding is better knowing a method!
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