Tutors in Roodepoort

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Neo T

Tutor in Witpoortjie, Roodepoort

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I am a calm person (sometimes reserved) and like to focus on one work task at a time. This is so that I can later use my free time for personal projects.

Taxation Auditing Accounting Financial Accounting Management Accounting
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Queen D

Tutor in Ruimsig, Roodepoort

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A 20 year old Journalism and Media studies student studying at Monash South Africa. I love speaking, writing, and sharing my knowledge with others hence I have tutored for almost 2 years.

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Bianca P

Tutor in Discovery, Roodepoort

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I am a young adult that is passionate about teaching and children. I am bubbly, friendly, God-fearing and down to earth.

English Economics Accounting
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Lerato B

Tutor in Wilgespruit 190-Iq, Roodepoort

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I am a bubbly, outgoing individual who brings a sense of fun to any environment. At the same time, I possess a demure side and enjoy engaging in meaningful conversations while meeting new people.

Zulu English Mathematics
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Sashin G

Tutor in Constantia Kloof, Roodepoort

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I am an extremely hardworking person with an excellent work ethic. I am very ambitious and I am looking to keep my mind stimulated by teaching Mathematics or Physical Science.

Mathematics Physical Science
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Romi F

Tutor in Eagle Canyon Golf Estate, Roodepoort

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I’m a caring, trustworthy and patient individual who constantly strives to better my understanding of people and the world.

German Afrikaans Mathematics Literacy
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Olive S

Tutor in Witpoortjie, Roodepoort

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I am vibrant, goofy and easy to connect with. I am very passionate about what I do. I am also patient and disciplined.

Mathematics Physical Science Life Sciences (Biology)
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Portia M

Tutor in Zandspruit 191-Iq, Roodepoort

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I am a person who loves learning and improving my skills because it helps me grow and become a better person. I am also an introvert and can be shy at times.

Finance Taxation Auditing Statistics Accounting Management
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Patience M

Tutor in Panorama AH, Roodepoort

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I have a B.Sc Honours degree in Economics and aptitude for figures. I believe I have the ability to explain concepts simply and bring understanding.

Economics Statistics
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Karabo R

Tutor in Weltevredenpark, Roodepoort

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I am mostly driven by success and my motto in life is "it never rains but pours with torrents of success". I am always interested in learning new things.

Information Systems Website Development Information Technology
Curly haired mother searching on her laptop and struggling to find tutors online

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