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Tutor in Vanderbijlpark C. E. 2, Vanderbijlpark
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I am a visual learner and bring this to life with tutoring. I love learning new things and teaching people the things I've learned so far!
Tutor in Vanderbijlpark C. W. 4, Vanderbijlpark
Tutor in Vanderbijlpark C. W. 4, Vanderbijlpark
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I am a self-driven and ambitious individual who has great leadership skills and is very passionate about Accounting.
Tutor in Vanderbijlpark S. W. 1, Vanderbijlpark
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302 Hours Tutored
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I am an experienced English, Afrikaans, Art, Music and Drama teacher with over 23 years working experience in schools and online. My lessons are vibrant and fun with lasting, positive results.
Tutor in Vanderbijlpark C. W. 2, Vanderbijlpark
Tutor in Vanderbijlpark C. W. 2, Vanderbijlpark
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A Chemical Engineering Master's degree holder who is keen on taking challenges head-on. I am a self driven, time conscious and goal oriented person who believes in continuous societal advancement.
Tutor in Vanderbijlpark S. W. 5, Vanderbijlpark
Tutor in Vanderbijlpark S. W. 5, Vanderbijlpark
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I believe in good morals and principles. Furthermore, I believe in excellence through hard and smart work.
Tutor in Vanderbijlpark S. E. 3, Vanderbijlpark
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95 Hours Tutored
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I am currently a lecturer at the Vaal University of Technology, an educational coach, and a column writer. I love educating and motivating others, as a published researcher and a qualified educator.
Tutor in Vanderbijlpark C. W. 4, Vanderbijlpark
Tutor in Vanderbijlpark C. W. 4, Vanderbijlpark
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I am a diligent and career oriented individual. I believe in the art of learning new things everyday and above all, I believe in diversity and independence.
Tutor in Vanderbijlpark, Vanderbijlpark
Tutor in Vanderbijlpark, Vanderbijlpark
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I am a young, dedicated and enthusiastic business woman. I woman with ambition and a greater vision for success.
Tutor in Vanderbijlpark C. W. 5, Vanderbijlpark
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99 Hours Tutored
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An enthusiastic and passionate individual. I am always seeking more knowledge and aspiring to become a better version of myself.
Tutor in Vanderbijlpark C. W. 5, Vanderbijlpark
Tutor in Vanderbijlpark C. W. 5, Vanderbijlpark
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26 Hours Tutored
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I am a student who loves interacting with people of different personalities.
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Subjects offered in Vanderbijlpark