Tutor Reviews

“Emmanuel is a fantastic teacher. I like that he repeats what he is saying so that it is easy to understand and write down. I feel much more confident thanks to Emmanuel. ”
- Lilly
“Emmanuel was extremely helpful and knowledgeable. He answered all of my questions and helped me find the answers I needed. He was froendly, accommodating and thorough. Exactly what I needed and hoped for.”
- Tim
“Emmanuel showed me basic but key concepts that I was lacking without even knowing it! Opened my eyes more to stats and was able to complete a question unassisted in the first lesson. Very happy ”
- Vanessa
“Emmanuel is a very reassuring tutor that puts you at ease very early on and really helps build your confidence ”
- Megan
“He made learning business statistics fun and easy to understand, with stories and analogies, as well as giving a concise explanation of the theory and formulas. ”
- Caitlin
Millennial woman with curly black hair tutoring brunette teenage girl

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