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Cardon P

Tutor in Rembrandt Park, Johannesburg • 28 years old

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I am a diligent and determined, young South African scientist that is passionate about healthcare and pathology. I enjoy problem solving, reading, soccer and coffee and being able to care for others.

I am able to assess my environment, identify issues & promptly devise a plan to help those around me. I am a leader and enjoy helping others.


• 2015 - 2017, BSc LES (Genetics and Biochemistry)

My Proudest

• The little achievements: being nominated as class rep every semester for 3 years, my 3 Deans Commendation awards and being told by my four younger siblings that I'm their role model and safety


  • University Tutoring


First Year - Third Year Tertiary education

I've completed my degree in genetics. My method of study involved teaching my classmates the examinable content. This has helped me greatly in attaining success. I've learnt how to relay content to different people (differing appitudes for learning)


First Year - Third Year Tertiary education

I've completed my degree in Biochemistry. My method of study involved teaching my classmates the examinable content. This has helped me greatly in attaining success. I've learnt how to relay content to different people (different learning abilities)

  • School Tutoring

Life Sciences (Biology)

Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

Life Sciences has formed the basis of my university degree (BSc genetics & biochemistry). I have solid foundational understanding of the subject and a great tertiary knowledge of the field.


Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC

I matriculated with a distinction in English and have a passion for the subject. I keep myself up to date with the South African syllabus reagrding English and have a good foundational knowledge of the subject.


Cardon will travel up to 15km from Rembrandt Park, Johannesburg, Gauteng to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

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