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I find great fulfillment in engaging with students, recognizing and respecting their individuality and capabilities. It is my unwavering commitment to enhance their aptitudes to the fullest extent.
I am patient and understanding, and I have a passion for knowledge. I love seeing students excel and show confidence in their academics.
• Unisa - I have been a teacher for 24 years.
My Proudest
• Assisting a student to pass Afrikaans in just six months.
• The same learner passed with above average marks after a year.
• The same learner passed with a distinction when writing her final IEB Afrikaans exam.
Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC, CAPS, IEB, CambridgeHaving experienced diverse backgrounds and industries, I understand the crucial role of English in the professional world. I am committed to equipping my students with excellent English skills to empower their career prospects.
Life Orientation
Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC, CAPS, IEB, CambridgeMy passion for this subject arises from my own life journey and personal experiences. I believe it is crucial to provide adolescents with the necessary tools to navigate life successfully, enabling them to make informed choices and avoid lifelong negative consequences.
Computer Skills
Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC, CAPS, IEB, CambridgeWith a diverse background in various industries, I understand the indispensability of computer literacy in today's workplace. I am driven to empower my students with comprehensive computer skills, as it is vital for their success in fulfilling office roles effectively on a daily basis.
Grade 1 - Grade 12 NSC, CAPS, IEB, CambridgeGrowing up in a family that cherished Afrikaans, with a strict adherence to its purity and disdain for mixed or slang language, instilled in me a deep love for the language. I aim to pass on this passion to my students and foster a similar appreciation for Afrikaans.
Petro will travel up to 10km from Boksburg, Gauteng to you.
Approximate location and area of coverage.
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