These are the Highest Quality Writing Tutors in Pennsylvania. Get Writing Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
Get a Writing tutorTutor in Wynnewood, Pennsylvania
Tutor in Wynnewood, Pennsylvania
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I have been a tutor for my school's Writing Center since 10th grade. I have additionally tutored in writing for the organization Peer Mentor Network.
Tutor in Haverford, Pennsylvania
Tutor in Haverford, Pennsylvania
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Hey everyone! I graduated high school in 2019 with a 4.4 GPA and scored 1440 on the SAT (720 on the Language Arts portion). I took AP Language/Composition as well as AP Literature in high school, scoring a 4 on both of those AP exams. I also was a journalism major for a year of college - reach out!
Tutor in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Tutor in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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Being able to express your thoughts clearly and succinctly is incredibly important. I love to help brainstorm essay topics, edit essays, and for highschool seniors I can edit your personal statements! I also graduated HS with English honors.
Tutor in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Tutor in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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I am a Doctor of Physical Therapy. I have an undergraduate degree in exercise science with a minor in gerontology and a doctoral degree in Physical Therapy, both from Slippery Rock University. I am passionate about helping students in all areas of study, especially in the sciences and English.
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Exceptional in the following subjects: Honors College Composition Fundamentals of Speech Advanced Grammar and Composition Goals: To assist students in word choice to best address subject and audience Teach students how to structure and organize content for fluency and comprehension
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25 Hours Tutored
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I am a college level teacher, comfortable in the online and classroom environments. I have a journalism, English and language skills background. I am an artist, writer and seasoned faculty. I tutor K-12 special needs students, with results increasing proficiency in all aspects of language arts.
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English has always been my favorite subject! I majored in English at the University of Southern California and graduated Magna Cum Laude. I am in the process of applying for an MFA in creative writing. It would be an honor to share my love of reading and writing with you!
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I make an effort to understand and prioritize my student's concerns and learning needs. I coach students for oral language projects and have assisted with college entry essays.
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74 Hours Tutored
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Specialization in creative writing
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24 Hours Tutored
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I have effectively worked with students from a wide range of ages to develop concrete and long-lasting soft/hard skills. I enthusiastically personalize each tutoring session according to pupil needs in order to maximize subject comprehension. I also conduct frequent student evaluations!
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