These are the Highest Quality C++ Tutors in Wolmer, Pretoria. Get C++ Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
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Tutor in Wolmer, Pretoria
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I have great mathematical and coding skills which I have acquired from high school and university. I have a degree in computer science and Mathematics. I am currently completing my master's in computer science.
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Tutor in Hatfield, Pretoria
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698 Hours Tutored
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As a coding expert with over 3 years of experience, I'm confident in my ability to help you achieve your goals in C++. With extensive project experience, I have the expertise to guide you in syntax, algorithm development, and getting results. Let's create exceptional C++ projects together!
Tutor in Moregloed, Pretoria
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567 Hours Tutored
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I can guide you through complex C++ topics and help you improve your problem-solving abilities. With my assistance, you can gain confidence in programming and be well-equipped to tackle any challenge that comes your way.
Tutor in Wingate Park, Pretoria
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343 Hours Tutored
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C++ is probably the most powerful and widely spread programming language in use. I use C++ for most of my projects, which have varied in nature from servers built from scratch, to working with the Unreal Engine 4, among many others.
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542 Hours Tutored
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With C++ knowledge, you'll be able to create robust software solutions and develop efficient algorithms. You can implement your ideas and create software that can tackle real-world problems.
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185 Hours Tutored
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I did very well in C++ during my first year with a great understanding of the course.
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787 Hours Tutored
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Programming is one of my strong points and I have been involved in a number of software development projects using C++ programming language. I find it really interesting, hence managing to achieve an A level in Varsity and assisting students
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279 Hours Tutored
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While my speciality is in Physics, I do enjoy programming so much I do it in my free time. Having Computational and applied mathematics as one of my majors also means that I have at least 3 years in programming.
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436 Hours Tutored
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I have an expansive overall knowledge of computer science and different programming languages, including C/C++. I can assist with the nuances of the low-level language and how to program using it. I have used C++ in comparison tests in programming in my master's.
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647 Hours Tutored
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I tutored for 3 years at UCT up to 3rd Year ComSci. I have BSc ComSci with distinction in Computer Engineering. I have done a Research Assistant Job (C#) at UCT (created a Game Generating Tool). I am the lead developer at Getaway Computers creating websites and applications.
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