Highest Quality Financial Management Tutors in Farrarmere, Benoni. Get Financial Management Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Financial Management tutorTutor in Farrarmere, Benoni
Tutor in Farrarmere, Benoni
22 Hours Tutored
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I have successfully completed my BCom accounting degree and passed Financial Management with a distinction in my final year.
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Tutor in Benoni AH, Benoni
Tutor in Benoni AH, Benoni
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Lecturer/Facilitator with over 15 years experience. I strive to ensure my students achieve their career goals. Academic qualifications (MBA Henley) have enabled implementation of my theoretical knowledge into practical applications in my Manufacturing, FMCG Retail, Franchise, Security businesses.
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759 Hours Tutored
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A seasoned, dedicated and passionate teacher who strives to unlock the abilities in each student.I incorporate interdisciplinary knowledge into my lessons to engage students of all learning orientations.Through personalized and focused teaching approach, my students develops tools vital for success
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680 Hours Tutored
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I have an excellent fundamental understanding of financial statements, ratios and other theoretical topics in this course. I take a practical approach to teaching this subject and actively involve students in every step of the calculations.
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4688 Hours Tutored
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I found great significance in this module during my degree, deriving immense satisfaction from both my learning and assisting others in their success within it.
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678 Hours Tutored
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I have a BCom Hons in Investment Management, which consisted of 3 full years of Financial Management studies. I managed to obtain distinctions for the subject all through university.
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1981 Hours Tutored
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I am a SAICA Qualified Chartered Accountant by profession. The practical nature of the module makes it interesting to work on, as it guides us in our daily financial decision-making. It is always great to add value to the studies of fellow academics.
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2574 Hours Tutored
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I successfully completed Corporate Financial Management as well as Secuties Management and Valuations at the University of Cape Town.
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815 Hours Tutored
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I have worked hard to understand Financial Management. I would love to assist other learners to gain more insight into the subject matter and build on their confidence in approaching the subject!
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