These are the Highest Quality History Tutors in South Africa. Get History Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
Get a History tutorTutor in Magaliessig, Sandton
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167 Hours Tutored
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This subject teaches us about both South African and World history. I am the right choice to assist you if you are taking the subject to boost your grades and essay-writing skills.
Tutor in Rosebank, Cape Town
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183 Hours Tutored
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I excelled at History in school and audited several History courses at university. I love that History gives us a context for our present world and also valuable lessons that we can apply going forward.
Tutor in Northwold, Randburg
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228 Hours Tutored
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I have been tutoring history for 7 months and took it until matric. I love the subject and know how to help learners to enjoy the work, identify the important information, and retain it. I teach the skills needed to learn history, not just the topic
Tutor in Crowthorne AH, Midrand
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231 Hours Tutored
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I have always enjoyed History. My interest in it began during my childhood where I read dozens of historical fiction and non-fiction novels. I was lucky to have had great History tutors who enhanced my love of the subject.
Tutor in Melville, Johannesburg
Tutor in Melville, Johannesburg
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225 Hours Tutored
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My love for history stems from its' interesting and exciting historical content. I am very confident in my ability to assist students in their understanding of this subject. I feel confident knowing that I can assist students reach their full potential.
Tutor in Kaalfontein, Midrand
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180 Hours Tutored
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I specialised in Social Science (Geography and History) during training at a teacher's college. l can comfortably teach the subject as l did an in-depth study of the subject at a tertiary institution.
Tutor in Beacon Bay North, East London
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183 Hours Tutored
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History was one of my favourite subjects in high school and it is something I am still passionate about. I think I can tutor History at this level because I know what work needs to go into the subject to ensure good marks.
Tutor in Waterloo, Verulam
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182 Hours Tutored
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I was excellent at History in high school and even achieved first in History one year.
Tutor in Hatfield, Pretoria
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180 Hours Tutored
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History is my favourite subject. I understand the importance of the skill of essay writing in this subject. I have a wide scope of understanding of the content covered in History specifically South African history which my degree (law) focuses on.
Tutor in Rondebosch, Cape Town
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172 Hours Tutored
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I want to help history students reach their full potential in the subject. I received 90% for history in Matric. I can help students develop summaries and effective learning strategies to optimize their performance in this subject.
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