Highest Quality Life Sciences (Biology) Tutors in Grahamstown, Makhanda. Get Life Sciences (Biology) Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
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Tutor in Grahamstown, Makhanda
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I enjoy Life Sciences and it directed me to choosing medicine in varsity. The subject can be challenging but I am up to the task of making understanding the processes much simpler.
Tutor in Grahamstown, Makhanda
Tutor in Grahamstown, Makhanda
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I am a second year pharmacy student, I have experience prior experience tutoring privately I have tutored math, physics, english and life sciences between grades 4-12. Most of my students have given positive responses and shown improvement in results.
Tutor in Grahamstown, Makhanda
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99 Hours Tutored
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Biology is a unique subject that interests me the most, as it focuses on the complexity of living things, their interaction with each other, and with the environment. It is a very important subject in my course as a future pharmacist.
Tutor in Grahamstown, Makhanda
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205 Hours Tutored
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I am doctor of Philosophy who specialised in pure sciences and mathematics with an expert understanding of Mathematics, Physical Sciences, Chemistry and Life Sciences. I therefore have an ability to simply concepts in such a way that can turn an average student to an A student.
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Tutor in Grahamstown, Grahamstown
Tutor in Grahamstown, Grahamstown
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I am well equipped to tutor Life Science as I also tutored some of my classmates in Grade 12, I always excelled in assignments and enjoyed both learning and tutoring the subject.
Tutor in Bergvliet, Cape Town
Tutor in Bergvliet, Cape Town
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I am a qualified Life Science teacher and I have taught Life Science at a public school from Grade 10-12 for the last 2 years. I also taught Natural Science last year and I am familiar with the curriculum for the lower grades.
Tutor in Grahamstown, Grahamstown
Tutor in Grahamstown, Grahamstown
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I am currently completing my third year of Science at university and I would like to pass on my interest in Science to any pupil who is struggling with fundamentals or who has lost interest in this amazing field of knowledge.
Tutor in Grahamstown, Grahamstown
Tutor in Grahamstown, Grahamstown
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Biology was one of my favourite subjects at school. I grasped the concepts quickly and thoroughly enjoyed learning the content. I am passionate about biology and was able to maintain an A average throughout high school for the subject.
Tutor in Grahamstown, Grahamstown
29 Hours Tutored
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I always have has a passion for the Biological Sciences. I did a year of Biological Science at TUKS.
Tutor in Grahamstown, Grahamstown
Tutor in Grahamstown, Grahamstown
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Biology is, and always will be, a passion of mine. It was one of my favourite subjects of school, hence why I am currently studying a degree in Human Kinetics and Ergonomics, which will also serve to increase my knowledge of the subject.
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