Highest Quality Natural Science Tutors in Paardeplaats 177 IQ, Krugersdorp. Get Natural Science Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Natural Science tutorTutor in Paardeplaats 177 IQ, Krugersdorp
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76 Hours Tutored
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I have taught natural sciences for 3 years and I have vast knowledge in it because I have done most concepts in my degree.
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Tutor in Helderkruin, Roodepoort
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470 Hours Tutored
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I enjoy Science and performed very well in it throughout my Primary School and early High School career.
Tutor in Leopard Park, Mahikeng
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62 Hours Tutored
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At school this was my favourite subject and it was always my aim to do well in this subject and I did and I would love to assist others with something that excites me and also help them realise that with a good work ethic, things can become easier.
Tutor in Willowbrook, Roodepoort
288 Hours Tutored
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I have experience tutoring grade 7 and am comfortable assisting with Natural science. I believe I have adequate knowledge and skills to assist others in their understanding of the subject.
Tutor in Honeypark, Roodepoort
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122 Hours Tutored
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I passed Core and Extended Science plus Biology with an A and have taught it at high school level for 9 years
Tutor in Weltevredenpark, Roodepoort
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80 Hours Tutored
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I have 26 Years experience teaching Natural science gr 8/9 & 33 years teaching biology.
Tutor in Strubens Valley, Roodepoort
Tutor in Strubens Valley, Roodepoort
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I am a great Natural Science tutor because I have a strong base knowledge of the subject. I am easily able to help students understand the fundamentals and create a strong foundation of the subject for the higher grades.
Tutor in Krugersdorp West, Krugersdorp
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I am very patient with young students and understand how challenging this subject can be. I myself have struggled a bit with it but I passed very well due to the help of my reliable and patient teachers.
Tutor in Florida Park, Roodepoort
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623 Hours Tutored
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I am patient and understanding in my approach to learning, and believe this is key to helping students overcome their challenges in the subject matter
Tutor in Kagiso, Krugersdorp
Tutor in Kagiso, Krugersdorp
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14 Hours Tutored
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I am a great Natural Sciences tutor because I have a deep understanding of Biological Sciences. I find concepts of science and nature interesting and I would like to help other people view them through that positive lens.
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Subjects offered in Paardeplaats 177 IQ
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