Highest Quality Physical Science IEB Tutors in Westridge, Berea. Get Physical Science IEB Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
Get a Physical Science IEB tutorTutor in Westridge, Berea
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108 Hours Tutored
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Physics and Chemistry are both subjects I have done at a varsity level, equipping me to assist high school students with ease. I have experience tutoring both subjects and will be able to explain concepts and help with problems.
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Tutor in Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal
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48 Hours Tutored
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I majored in Science at the University and have tutored in this area before.
Tutor in Adams Rural, Cele
Tutor in Adams Rural, Cele
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I have been tutoring IEB learners for a while now, including learners from Hilton Boys. Better in anything physical sciences since I have experience in handling IEB.
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2021 Hours Tutored
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I'm passionate about tutoring physics, witnessing students thrive as they grasp core theories, and achieve their goals in the subject.
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449 Hours Tutored
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I studied the Cambridge syllabus in my school days. However, as a scientist, I find it easy and interesting to move from one curriculum to another. I have tutored IEB physical science for 2 years to date.
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236 Hours Tutored
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I obtained distinctions in Physics in high school and university. I also tutor at universities and high schools. I prepared students for tests and exams at Stellenbosch University and UKZN. The students showed significant improvement in their results
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242 Hours Tutored
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I have a passion for Physics. I have been a tutor for two years at the University of Pretoria.
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961 Hours Tutored
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Obtained a final mark of 99% for Physical Sciences in 2011 NSC Final Exam. Top subject achiever in Physical sciences for 2009-2011 in Sutherland High School. Tutored 5 IEB Physical sciences matric students before.
260 Hours Tutored
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Physical Science has always interested me because it feels more practical than other subjects. I know how to use interesting methods to make the theories more understandable and enjoyable.
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267 Hours Tutored
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I have effectively tutored Grade 11 students in this subject. My extensive and detailed notes from school are valuable tools that I use to ensure my students have a solid understanding of all concepts.
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