Highest Quality Physical Science Tutors in Daggafontein, Springs. Get Physical Science Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2
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I have a degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Pretoria. Dealing with scientific problems is my daily bread. I’m good and patient in working with or helping people to come into an understanding with what I know.
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Tutor in Springs AH, Delmas
Tutor in Springs AH, Delmas
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I have experience tutoring mathematics, and since physics is largely based on mathematical concepts, I am able to convey and explain the principles of physics in detail. I also had university-level physics which I passed with distinction.
Tutor in Clubview, Phuthaditjhaba
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189 Hours Tutored
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I have a degree in Industrial Engineering, numbers and computations are the core part of it. The degree is partly built on Physics and Chemistry.
Tutor in Randpark Ridge, Randburg
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76 Hours Tutored
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I am very confident in tutoring this subject up to Grade 7 level. I have a great tutor rating!
Tutor in Kwa-Thema Phase 3, Springs
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235 Hours Tutored
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I have been tutoring for 3 years. Since high school and throughout my undergraduate education—specifically, my time studying BSc Physics at the University of Pretoria—Physical Science has been my area of strength. Due to my extensive knowledge of the subject, I am qualified to tutor it.
Tutor in Universiteits Oord, Stellenbosch
Tutor in Universiteits Oord, Stellenbosch
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10 Hours Tutored
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Engineering is the application of the sciences. In my courses I have dealt with frequent applications of what was only theories in high school. I have taught physical sciences to high school students for 4-5 years now.
Tutor in Payneville, Springs
Tutor in Payneville, Springs
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Passionate about math and physics, I've tutored first-year University of Pretoria students, transforming mathematical concepts into real-life scenarios for enhanced comprehension and critical evaluation of answers.
Tutor in Pollak Park, Springs
Tutor in Pollak Park, Springs
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Physical Sciences has always fascinated me, and my passion for it endures to this day. It provides me with a deeper understanding of the universe we inhabit, revealing the intricate details of how and why things function as they do.
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4688 Hours Tutored
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High school ignited my passion for this subject, and I excelled with outstanding marks, fostering a deep appreciation for its intricacies and possibilities.
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4739 Hours Tutored
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I have managed to gather a vast amount of experience in tutoring both Physics & Chemistry across all high school syllabuses. FYI, I can "recite" with substance all key concepts on this subject with ease. I have been tutoring for the past 5 years
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4388 Hours Tutored
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I can help you with Newton's Laws, energy and power, physical and organic Chemistry among many other topics. Let me help you be an A student! I hold a Chemical Engineering qualification which is strongly related to Physical Science, and I am excited to facilitate learning in this area.
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