These are the Highest Quality Physical Science Tutors in KwaZulu-Natal. Get Physical Science Lessons in your home with Teach Me 2 – the Best in Tutoring
Get a Physical Science tutorTutor in Pongola, Pongola
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11 Hours Tutored
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I wish to become an Teacher after I fishing my studies in Engineering. I want to specialise in Mathematics, Additional Mathematics and Physical Sciences.
Tutor in Palmiet, Durban
Tutor in Palmiet, Durban
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17 Hours Tutored
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I am very good at numbers and analysing, which is what a physician needs so I can teach and make learners understand. I would love the opportunity to help students tackle this subject and improve their results.
Tutor in Glenmore, Berea
Tutor in Glenmore, Berea
12 Hours Tutored
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I have completed physics courses at university which also deepens my understanding of the subject. I have assisted many fellow learners in this subject, with positive outcomes.
Tutor in Genazzano, Genazzano
11 Hours Tutored
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I am studying towards a Bachelor of Education FET Phase, majoring is Physical Sciences and Mathematics.
Tutor in Northdale, Pietermaritzburg
Tutor in Northdale, Pietermaritzburg
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19 Hours Tutored
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Chemistry is included in my Field of study. I have done a Physics module in university. I have always wanted to help learner's that have a problem with Physics.
Tutor in Morningside, Berea
Tutor in Morningside, Berea
12 Hours Tutored
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I am currently in my final year of studies towards a chemical engineering degree. My degree comprises of physics, chemistry and mathematics at an advanced level. This analytical skills and knowledge can be imparted to students at different levels.
Tutor in Durban Central, Durban
Tutor in Durban Central, Durban
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I achieved 96% for Mathematics and 90% for Physical Science in Grade 12. I am one of the top students when it comes to Maths and Science and I have received many awards and certificates over the years. I hold a BSc Degree in Electrical Engineering. I have extensive tutoring experience up to tertiary
Tutor in Avoca, Durban North
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11 Hours Tutored
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To understand Physics is to understand the world you live in.
Tutor in Bulwer, Berea
Tutor in Bulwer, Berea
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16 Hours Tutored
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I have also helped students from my former high school and have tutored pupils from my community voluntarily.
Tutor in Freeland Park, KwaZulu-Natal
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27 Hours Tutored
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I passed Physical sciences with distinction in grade 10, I will be able to assist in grasping grade 10 concepts. I am also doing physical sciences as a module in Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics. I have gained practical in Physical science working as a Research analyst.
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