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Get a tutorTutor in Stamford Hill, Durban
Tutor in Stamford Hill, Durban
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I am an aspiring Chartered Accountant and entrepreneur who’s passionate about youth development and leadership. I am charismatic, confident, energetic and value proper communication and respect.
Tutor in Durban Central, Durban
14 Hours Tutored
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I am a very hardworking and passionate individual who prides himself in his work. I like to balance my life with extra curricular activities such as soccer as well as hanging out with friends.
Tutor in Westville, Durban
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I am a confident, well-spoken and free-spirited person. I am a self-driven, goal-oriented and highly motivated person, who possesses a pristine work ethic.
Tutor in Durban Central, Durban
Tutor in Durban Central, Durban
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12 Hours Tutored
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I am a very good listener and very enthusiastic. I have a very positive attitude towards everything.
Tutor in Reservoir Hills, Durban
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I am interested in tutoring and engaging others. I enjoy talking to people, helping others learn concepts, and assisting them in reaching their goals.
Tutor in Durban Central, Durban
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12 Hours Tutored
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I am an approachable, out-spoken, self-driven individual who is able to work with diverse people. I set goals and ensure that they are accomplished.
Tutor in South Beach, Durban
Tutor in South Beach, Durban
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An epitome of cool, but collected and a yet professional tutor. Well-spoken, punctual and passionate about helping students.
Tutor in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal
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10 Hours Tutored
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I am a hard working law graduate and a master of laws candidate ( UKZN). I am a kind , patient and enthusiastic tutor who is also a life coach. I am dedicated in teaching and life coaching.
Tutor in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal
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I have pleasant interpersonal relationships and am approachable. I am always punctual, dutiful, disciplined and accurate in meeting deadlines.
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Subjects offered in Durban