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12 Hours Tutored
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I am a recently awarded PhD in engineering from Stellenbosch University. Furthermore, I have developed a strong passion for knowledge and possess a keen aptitude for the hard sciences.
Tutors in surrounding areas:
Tutor in Mitchells Plain, Cape Town
Tutor in Mitchells Plain, Cape Town
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82 Hours Tutored
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I am serious yet fun-loving. I enjoy reading about science and spirituality.
Tutor in George, Western Cape
18 Hours Tutored
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I am fluent in the following languages: Hebrew, French, Italian and Portuguese. I am an honest and reliable person and I have a passion for helping others in need.
Tutor in Loerie Park, George
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20 Hours Tutored
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I'm a goal driven person looking to help others achieve their goals. I am an engineering postgraduate student who enjoys research and development.
Tutor in Heatherlands, George
Tutor in Heatherlands, George
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I have a major passion for teaching, coaching and skills transference in order to facilitate growth and development in individuals. Love for nature, animals and the ocean. Love to play the guitar!
Tutor in Herolds Bay, Herolds Bay
Tutor in Herolds Bay, Herolds Bay
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I am a 50+ person who have not lost my sense of fun or hard work. My experience ranges from mothering,teaching, leadership, development, editing and writing, oration - I can hardly believe it myself!
Tutor in Reebok, Western Cape
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95 Hours Tutored
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Passionate about learning and teaching, helping others with their education and awakening their love of education. I'm very organised, and live my life by timetables and calendars.
Tutor in Thembalethu, George
Tutor in Thembalethu, George
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I am a hardworking, self-motivated, responsible person who is always willing to help.
Tutor in Table View, Cape Town
11 Hours Tutored
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I am educationalist and a online English teacher for students in South Africa and in China online! And I'm absolutely inlove with my job !!
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4688 Hours Tutored
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I am a female with a strong work ethic and an open mindset. I have been described as a very patient person who can explain concepts in various ways.
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6163 Hours Tutored
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Fervently devoted to imparting knowledge, a natural leader with exceptional organization. Results-oriented, possessing excellent communication skills, and effortlessly connecting with people.
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4390 Hours Tutored
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I hold a Chemical Engineering qualification with Unisa. Academically orientated, I acquired five distinctions in my Matric year. I am passionate about imparting knowledge & learning!
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