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Get a tutorTutor in Durban North, Durban North
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305 Hours Tutored
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I am a hardworking individual who has forged his own path in life. I am a happy and positive person, who is fair and believes there is a time for everything.
Tutor in Bulwer, Berea
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202 Hours Tutored
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I am a seasoned tutor who is passionate about education, specifically in the realm of maths, science and technology. I love interacting with academics and am a firm believer in life-long learning.
Tutor in Musgrave, Berea
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167 Hours Tutored
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I’ve been a tutor and educator for 7 years! My aim is to make very learning experience a fun and memorable one.
Tutor in Sunningdale, Umhlanga
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149 Hours Tutored
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I’m a university student who matriculated with Full Academic Colours and Honours. I can’t wait to teach my students how to excel through the use of new and exciting study methods for the best results!
Tutor in Umhlanga Ridge, uMhlanga
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186 Hours Tutored
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I am a calm, patient, and friendly tutor, praised for my effective teaching style. Outside of tutoring and studying, I find joy in activities like running, listening to podcasts, and eating good food.
Tutor in Rietvlei, KwaZulu-Natal
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187 Hours Tutored
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I am a very hard-working person, and very passionate about helping students get higher grades/reaching their full potential.
Tutor in Glenwood, Berea
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180 Hours Tutored
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I am passionate, hardworking, ambitious and diligent. I will explain things as many times over as necessary in order to help people understand and enjoy the subject the way I have learnt to.
Tutor in Scottsville, Pietermaritzburg
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216 Hours Tutored
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Diligent, skilled, and approachable! I excel in adapting to diverse learning environments. With a natural competitiveness and strong leadership abilities, I empower my students!
Tutor in Boughton, Pietermaritzburg
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144 Hours Tutored
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I'm a Civil Engineering graduate tutoring Maths & Science. With a passion for teaching, I help students excel in their studies.
Tutor in Waterloo, Verulam
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182 Hours Tutored
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I am a highly motivated and a strong academic achiever, but I am also patient and devoted to helping others learn. I am very friendly and professional.
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Subjects offered in KwaZulu-Natal
Areas in KwaZulu-Natal