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Tutor in Lone Hill, Sandton
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37 Hours Tutored
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I am a dedicated worker and a lifelong learner as seen through my commitment towards completing a second degree. I am a very relaxed and friendly person who can assist with a wide variety of tasks.
Tutor in Lone Hill, Sandton
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85 Hours Tutored
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I am a fun-loving, easy to get along with person who can relate with people of any age. I find ways to make learning fun and truly engage with my students.
Tutor in Lone Hill, Sandton
Tutor in Lone Hill, Sandton
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I am currently a Grade 5 and 6 educator and I have a passion for teaching and children
Tutor in Lone Hill, Sandton
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351 Hours Tutored
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I am very compassionate and patient. I feel very strongly about my passions and interests.
Tutor in Lone Hill, Sandton
Tutor in Lone Hill, Sandton
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I'm a bit of a bookworm, a stay-at-home mum, and an artist on the side.
Tutor in Lone Hill, Sandton
Tutor in Lone Hill, Sandton
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I am driven and believe that hard work is essential to reaching your goals. My goal is to be a successful and influential individual in the financial services industry and the world at large.
Tutor in Lone Hill, Sandton
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224 Hours Tutored
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I have a curiosity to constantly be learning and enjoy helping people become better versions of themselves. I try to make the most of each day .
Tutor in Lone Hill, Sandton
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237 Hours Tutored
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I'm an Ed Psych Honors grad student who is passionate about teaching through meaningful discussion, nurturing young minds, and exploring human history, and nature's phenomena.
Tutor in Lone Hill, Sandton
Tutor in Lone Hill, Sandton
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An excellent Electrical Engineer who has moved into the business world. I want to give back and help with the bridge through 1st-year university Mathematics.
Tutor in Lone Hill, Sandton
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192 Hours Tutored
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My name is Arefa Seleho and I am a BCom PPE graduate and an aspiring industrialist entrepreneur. I’m a creative who is currently pursuing her entrepreneurial endeavours in the digital media space.
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