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Get a tutorTutor in Carlswald, Midrand
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236 Hours Tutored
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I am a 30-year-old BCom Accounting graduate from UCT. I passed matric and varsity with excellent grades and am passionate about tutoring!
Tutor in Kaalfontein, Midrand
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258 Hours Tutored
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Passionate about helping learners reach their full potential. It has been a joy to see kids who thought they were not capable finally believing in themselves and full of confidence in their academics.
Tutor in Halfway Gardens, Midrand
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273 Hours Tutored
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I am an academic who is interested in sharing and gaining knowledge. I am particularly passionate about Mathematics and Science.
Tutor in Riverglen, Midrand
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363 Hours Tutored
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I am a data scientist and entrepreneur, critical thinker and a problem solver.
Tutor in Vorna Valley, Midrand
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334 Hours Tutored
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I am a diverse, passionate,energetic & enthusiastic lady currently working as an Environmental Scientist. My passion rests in helping people, learning and being active.
Tutor in Glen Austin AH, Midrand
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501 Hours Tutored
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I am a self-motivated and responsible individual who is capable of impacting positively and contributing positively to anyone in need of help.
Tutor in Carlswald, Midrand
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294 Hours Tutored
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I am an innovative and driven individual with a passion for mathematics and problem-solving.
Tutor in Barbeque Downs, Midrand
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447 Hours Tutored
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I'm a young and vibrant individual, currently working as a Digital Web specialist I love children and I enjoy teaching.
Tutor in Kikuyu Estate, Midrand
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455 Hours Tutored
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I am an energetic, enthusiastic, Chartered Accountant trainee. I am dedicated to sharing my knowledge in a fun and relaxed environment.
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Subjects offered in Midrand