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Get a tutorTutor in Mpumalanga B, Mpumalanga
Tutor in Mpumalanga B, Mpumalanga
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I am a passionate person, especially when it comes to learning and teaching. I am not a failure, and as a result, I make sure that everyone I teach passes his or her subject with outstanding results.
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Tutor in Bothas Hill, Outer West Durban
Tutor in Bothas Hill, Outer West Durban
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I enjoy offering help to those who are in need. I'm an introvert, but I don't mind being around new people, as long as there are constructive conversations going on.
Tutor in Albany, Hillcrest
Tutor in Albany, Hillcrest
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I am a mother and a qualified teacher who is patient and enthusiastic.
Tutor in Harrison, Cato Ridge
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I firmly believe that diligence and willingness to learn set one on the path towards realizing one's dreams and goals. I aim to embody a positive attitude to tackle life's challenges, great or small.
Tutor in Waterfall, Waterfall
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162 Hours Tutored
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I am patient and enthusiastic. My drivers in life are my belief standards and my love for people.
Tutor in Drummond, Outer West Durban
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10 Hours Tutored
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I am a Biology M.Sc. student, who is passionate about my subject, and imparting knowledge to others. I am a focused, logical, understanding and motivated person, who is humorous and light-hearted.
Tutor in Hillcrest, Hillcrest
Tutor in Hillcrest, Hillcrest
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Passionate Human Resources professional with the SABPP,11 years work experience in the HR space .I am ready to share with the learners critical skills needed for the future of work and add value too.
Tutor in Kwandengezi, KwaNdengezi
Tutor in Kwandengezi, KwaNdengezi
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Math Tutor I Math Teacher I Math Instructor I Math Coordinator I Curriculum Coordinator I International Coach for Numeracy.
Tutor in Eco-Park Estate, Centurion
169 Hours Tutored
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I hold an Honours Degree in Mathematics. I enjoy helping learners achieve their academic goals and guiding them through their academic struggles.
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6136 Hours Tutored
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Fervently devoted to imparting knowledge, a natural leader with exceptional organization. Results-oriented, possessing excellent communication skills, and effortlessly connecting with people.
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4688 Hours Tutored
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I am a female with a strong work ethic and an open mindset. I have been described as a very patient person who can explain concepts in various ways.
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4388 Hours Tutored
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I hold a Chemical Engineering qualification with Unisa. Academically orientated, I acquired five distinctions in my Matric year. I am passionate about imparting knowledge & learning!
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