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Tutor in Plumstead, Cape Town
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I am a resilient, compassionate, dedicated and selfless person who thrives off supporting all walks of life in need. I am a very approachable person who values the importance of respect for others.
Tutor in Plumstead, Cape Town
Tutor in Plumstead, Cape Town
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I am an avid and passionate reader of English Literature and enjoy exploring and re-exploring new and well-known texts and am always amazed at the new insight that I gain every time I do so.
Tutor in Plumstead, Cape Town
Tutor in Plumstead, Cape Town
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I am a focused and well organised individual who can work under pressure and very disciplined.
Tutor in Plumstead, Cape Town
Tutor in Plumstead, Cape Town
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I am highly energetic and enjoy bringing a positive atmosphere to any environment. I love talking to people, sharing in their stories, learning new things and cultivating wholesome relationships.
Tutor in Plumstead, Cape Town
Tutor in Plumstead, Cape Town
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I am an extremely hardworking, dedicated and grounded person. I know how to have fun, laugh, connect with people and balance this with work and studies.
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