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Tutor in Warrenton, KwaDukuza
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I have dedicated my life to learning the mind of the human animal thoroughly so I can simplify and combine various models in an applicable manner. I make use of various techniques such as NLP
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Tutor in Glen Hills, KwaDukuza
Tutor in Glen Hills, KwaDukuza
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I am a highly motivated, hard-working and dedicated educator. I always give 110% to every learner and make sure that they achieve the goals set.
Tutor in Stanger Central, KwaDukuza
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377 Hours Tutored
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I'm a student at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, currently studying Chemical Engineering. I enjoy helping learners that struggle in Mathematics and Science and I'm capable of tutoring CAPS and IEB.
Tutor in Ballito, Dolphin Coast
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103 Hours Tutored
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Passionate about French from my school days, I am patient and clear in my approach. I will help you achieve your goal and even go beyond, at your own pace
Tutor in Dolphin Coast, KwaZulu-Natal
Tutor in Dolphin Coast, KwaZulu-Natal
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My full name is Samantha, but everyone calls me Sam. I am a bubbly, conscious and hard working young lady. I have great time management and am punctual with adaptability to teaching various curricula.
Tutor in Stanger Ext 3, KwaDukuza
Tutor in Stanger Ext 3, KwaDukuza
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The journey toward attaining the magic letters: CA(SA) is a tough yet thoroughly rewarding one. Let me help you navigate through the tough concepts and give yourself the best opportunity to pass.
Tutor in Nkwazi, Nkwazi
Tutor in Nkwazi, Nkwazi
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I am a first-year Medical Student. I matriculated in 2016 and enrolled for Bsc in 2017.
Tutor in Gardens, Cape Town
Tutor in Gardens, Cape Town
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I am a bubbly, outgoing and dedicated person. I am a qualified teacher and I love what I do.
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6163 Hours Tutored
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Fervently devoted to imparting knowledge, a natural leader with exceptional organization. Results-oriented, possessing excellent communication skills, and effortlessly connecting with people.
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4688 Hours Tutored
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I am a female with a strong work ethic and an open mindset. I have been described as a very patient person who can explain concepts in various ways.
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4390 Hours Tutored
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I hold a Chemical Engineering qualification with Unisa. Academically orientated, I acquired five distinctions in my Matric year. I am passionate about imparting knowledge & learning!
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