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Carlé G

Tutor in Nieuw Muckleneuk, Pretoria • 28 years old

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Can tutor in person


I am a hardworking person who loves and enjoys life as well as the people in it. I am a firm believer in being balanced to get the most out of what life has to offer.

I enjoy working with people and playing a role in their process of understanding something. I am a patient person. My perspective is that every individual is different, which means that you have to adapt how you treat them to accommodate their needs.


• 2015-2017: Physiology and Psychology
• 2018: Honors in Psychology
• 2019: Equine Assisted Therapy Facilitator
• 2020-2023: School Guidance Counsellor
• 2024: Postgraduate studies in Psychology

My Proudest

• I have an Honours degree in Psychology.
• I am a member of the Golden Key International Honour Society.
• I am currently furthering my studies in Psychology.


  • School Tutoring

Life Sciences (Biology)

Grade 1 - Grade 12 Caps

I have recently received my degree in Physiology which links strongly to Biology and the underlying processes thereof. While I was still in school this passed as one of my favorite subjects as I enjoyed the facts and applicability to my daily life.


Grade 1 - Grade 12 Caps

I have a deep love for reading and writing and I would also like to show people the potential that is locked up in this beautiful language. I have had it as Home Language throughout my school career and continued to cultivate and nurture it until now


Grade 1 - Grade 7 Caps

I have previous experience with Early Childhood Development Activities as well as tutoring a grade 2 learner with a learning disability. I achieved 87% for English FAL and am confident in my ability to assist.


Grade 1 NSC, CAPS

As a registered counsellor and study facilitator with a background in Psychology, I am well-equipped to help Grade 1 learners build confidence and master foundational Numeracy skills, setting them up for future success in mathematics.

  • Adhoc Tutoring


Beginner - Introductory

I love working with and helping younger people develop into their best selves. In the past I have been introduced to various opportunities wherein people, especially younger ladies, asked for help with regard to living and managing life.

  • University Tutoring


First Year - Postgrad PSYH 1, PSYH2, PSYH3, PSYH6

I have completed my honours in Psychology and have been working in practice for five years. This enables me to tutor Psychology not only from an academic point of view but also by incorporating practical application of theoretical knowledge.


Carlé will travel up to 15km from Nieuw Muckleneuk, Pretoria, Gauteng to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

Tutor Map

Reviews from others

“She works well with Brontë. They have a very good understanding of each other. ”
- Landi
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