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Elsa F

Tutor in Brentwood Park, Benoni • 35 years old

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Can tutor online

Can tutor in person


I am a fast learner, hardworking, trustworthy and highly reliable. I have always persevered to get what I wanted, I am proactive, and organized and have a strong personal drive.

I think I would be an awesome tutor because I am fun to be around and I always try to explain things only so that my explanation will not be easily forgotten. I think tutoring can be fun if you find a good approach - it is extremely rewarding. I am also very good with kids.


• I have obtained my Degree: B Com Accounting at the University of Johannesburg
• I am currently pursuing my CIMA qualification

My Proudest

• I have obtained my Degree at UJ
• I have completed my CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accountants) Operational Level and I am currently busy with my CIMA Management Level


  • Language Tutoring


Beginner - Advanced

I am from a mainly French-speaking country and French is my home language. I would love to teach this language to anyone who wants to learn it.

  • University Tutoring


First Year - Second Year

Accounting is the subject that has given me the least problems, so I will be good at teaching and explaining it to others as I understand it well.


First Year

I only did Economics in my 1st year of university but I was good at it so I wouldn't have difficulties teaching it to anyone.

Business Management

First Year

I did Business Management in my 1st year of varsity but I was good at it so i wouldn't have difficulties teaching it to anyone.


First Year - Third Year

I really enjoyed the subject and passed it with 60s at university.


First Year - Third Year

I know the main areas where students struggle with this subject as it is not easy to understand - but I have grappled with it and understand it.

  • School Tutoring


Grade 1 - Grade 7 NSC, CAPS

Elevate student success with unparalleled homework support! I bring expertise in Grades 1-7, empowering young minds to thrive academically. Let's embark on an extraordinary learning odyssey!


Elsa will travel up to 5km from Brentwood Park, Benoni, Gauteng to you.

Approximate location and area of coverage.

Tutor Map

Reviews from others

“Elsa was really helpful and she’s a very good tutor. Her understanding of the topic just impressed me I’m very happy I chose her as my tutor and looking forward to more. ”
- Daniella
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